As the result of thousands of questions the leaked reports assert that the remaining Taliban is rebellious and also have bold support of Afghan people. For the majority of the world, international forces and Taliban’s opponent, this news is a critical reading. This report not only gave us bad news, but also good news telling that Pakistan knows where all the senior Taliban leaders are hiding. US Defence department still haven’t received any report yet, but they are concerned about Taliban being tied ISI(Pakistan’s intelligence service). Hina Rabbani Khar, minister of Pakistan is currently in Kabul for having a meeting with Hamid Karzai, president of Afghan, and no one exactly knows what they are meeting for. According to BBC’s Quentin Sommerville in Kabul, where the meeting of two presidents is held, Taliban is fully exposed for creating first time relationship with ISI.
1. unprecedented
a. In a damning conclusion, the document says that in the last year there has been unprecedented interest, even from members of the Afghan government, in joining the Taliban cause.
b. never happened before, extraordinary
c. Disappearance of monkeys were unprecedented event.
2. interrogation
a. The leaked report, derived from thousands of interrogations, claims the Taliban remain defiant and have wide support among the Afghan people.
b. questioning
c. He confessed after two hours of interrogation by Honor council.
3. infiltration
a. Adm Mike Mullen, former chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, has explained Pakistan's closeness to the Afghan Taliban by pointing to infiltration of its army by the religious right, but he also says it is part of a grand strategy to increase leverage in the region via "proxies".
b. the state of being infiltrated.
c. Woodstock dormitory is often suffers from infiltration of monkey.
I think this is a serious issue, according to the senior al-Qaeda Pakistan basically knows everything and also control everything. Since Pakistan has strong power over them, they basically hold Taliban with them so that they can gain benefit out of them. I think Pakistan should not help Taliban, they are the world criminal who took away tones of people’s life. And with the support of Pakistan majority of Afghans will be influenced by Taliban. Also since Osama Binladin, the leader of al-Qaeda, was assassinated al-Qaeda’s influence is diminishing. It is good that the influence of al-Qaeda is decreasing, however new criminal group Taliban taking over this place and influencing others won’t bring any benefit to the world. Therefore we need to find a way to stop the influence of Taliban and also try to stop the contact between Pakistan and Taliban.