Friday, March 9, 2012

TV is good!

Cable TV helped women to acquire more rights in India.

Which word first comes into your mind when you hear TV, in Korean culture people believe TV is a ‘stupid box’ because all it does it takes up your time and gives you useless ideas. There are few benefits of watching TV, such as news give information about the world and also inform you with recent events. But mostly TV shows movies, dramas and etc which takes up lots of our time, in the article it mentions positive points of TV and how it helped women for past few years. Well how can cable television possibly help Indian women to get more rights? According to Joel Waldfogel, at 2001 65 villagers out of 180 had cable TV, and by 2003, 86 of them. When village got the cable TV, percentage of villagers increased from 40 to 80.

In most of countries boys are valued more than girls due to the gender stereotype, especially in countries like India where they follow old tradition defiantly value boys more than girls. However, cable TV made a big difference in these small villages in India. From 2001 to 2003 women’s demand for male children fell by 12percent. Not only the demand of male child decreased, but women gained more right. Wife beating’s acceptable fell by 10percent, which means there were less people beating up their wife. At first point there shouldn’t be any wife beating, however it is still an improvement in women right in India. Even though this serve only included the villagers it still shows improvement in Indian women rights. Hopefully within 10 years women will have equal right as men and there won’t be any physical abuses.

The cable TV didn’t only help the older age people, but also the little ones who need education. In last few years percentage of boys attending school decreased, while the rate of girls with age through 8 to 10 increased by 8 percent. It is not clearly proven how the cable TV helped the little girls to attend school, but it gave positive effect and it will continue.

India has world second highest population, which means women gives lots of birth. It is good to have high population in the country, however, to much isn’t good. Cable TV also affected the birthrate, women under age of 35 started to have lower birth rate. It is possible that the cable TV changed their life cycle or other things. But it is just amazing what a single fertility did to whole country.


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