Thursday, November 3, 2011

18 What invention would the world be better off without, and why?

Every invention around us is helpful, but sometimes harmful to us. Electronics made our life much simpler and easier, but it takes away majority of our life time. Inventions not only take away our life time, but also leaves us harm in some ways. Nuclear weapons, invention which should have never been discovered, took away thousands of life. No one can guarantee that the world will be much better place to live without nuclear weapons, but it can possibly end the ongoing nuclear problems. As an example, North Korea acquired tons of power and money with nuclear weapons, but it did not help the country itself at all. Majority of the country turned away from North Korea which made the country people suffer from hunger and isolation. North Korea receives lots of financial aids and agricultural goods from other countries, but they do not use any money to help the country people all the money are used for developing nuclear weapon. Not only the North Koreans, but also everyone around the world suffers from North Korea having nuclear weapon. Especially South Korea and United States, North Korea and South Korea are still on war and both sides are allowed to attack whenever they want to. Since South Korea in under U.S’s protection there is high possibility of the North Koreans dropping nuclear weapon in U.S. Nuclear weapons not only causes ethical issues, but also causes environmental damages. Nuclear weapons give out high rate of radiation energy, which is neither good for humans or environment. Therefore life without nuclear weapons would have been much better. Creating nuclear weapons might have made life easier for big countries like U.S since with one nuclear bomb the war could be settled. If the nuclear bomb did not exist there might be wars still happening. There are positive and negative points for having nuclear weapons, however, life is could be much better without nuclear weapons.

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