Wednesday, November 23, 2011

What confuses you most in life, and why? (University of Virginia)

Many people have a question in their mind, ‘What confuse me the most? How does it affect my life’ once in a while I also ask myself the same question. However everyone has different answers and I think my concern is similar to many people. I was not confused about anything in my life, but the recent decision made by Korean government; “from 2013 all the doctors have to get degree in Korean college to work in Korea”, made me think about my future goals and also confused me. I always had dream of becoming a dentist and working for my family’s community, but the new law made by Korean government destroyed my dreams and even brought chaos to my life. I am still not sure and confused about what courses I should take and what should I become when I grow up. This incident confused me the most throughout my life, however life needs to move on and I cannot stay at the same place thinking and confused about a single problem. I need to find a way out and get over the problem I am having right now. I am still thinking of what degrees I should get in college, thankfully I did take economy class this year therefore I can still go for a major in economy. When I get confused in my life I always think of the words my parents told me, “One day you will meet a barrier, but that doesn’t mean you will have to end your journey, you can still get over the barrier and continue to live and dream about your future.” Yes I believe in these words each one of us might have hard time in our life, but if we get through the hard time we can be stronger and happier.

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